Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Face Off..Part 2

Face off..Part 2
Ok, well I went for my 2nd chemical peel. I was thrilled with the results of the Jessner's peel. Not too much redness or peeling from it.

Today, she did a glycolic peel. Let me tell you something...THIS ONE BURNED LIKE HELL! Last time, she just concentrated on the sun damage. This time she did my WHOLE face. Whoa! When I looked in the mirror, my whole face was red with a white coating. Kind of looked like melted candle wax. NOT the most attracting thing ever, but, hey, no pain, no gain.

It is about 8 pm, and the peel was at 3. My face is still burning and I look like someone punched me under my left eye. THANK GOD for aloe and this antioxidant cream. Young girls, listen up...STAY out of the sun, or at least wear sunblock. This is not the easiest thing that I have ever been through, but had I kept block on all these years, instead of soaking up the rays and laying in the tanning bed, I would not be going through this right now.

The doc told me I would hate her for the next four days. I think she may be right! She also told me after those four days, I would be loving her. Well, I hope so, because right now, my face looks like a bruised tomato!

Well, that is my chemical peel update, until the 12th when she goes deeper!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[color=#ffbbe8]Interesting post! thank you for sharing this information. really got under my
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