Tuesday, August 7, 2007



So, I am a big dork and joined the Jon Bon Jovi fanclub. It is a great way to get the best tickets in the house, as well as other perks, such as being a part of the CMT television taping. In order to get the reserved seats, you have to sleep out the night they tell you, at the venue the band will be playing.

I was all set to go, then decided I was just too tired to go through with it. Until, along came Maria and she insisted I packed up my stuff and get a move on. So, at the last minute, I re-decided to go. I packed blankets and pillows and the daughter, and off to Philly we went.

And, it was not as bad as I thought it would be. Security allowed us to get our number in line, and we were able to 'sleep' in our cars. So, here we were, me and my chic, sleeping in my little ass car. And it was great. Serious mother/daughter bonding. We had a great time talking and attempting to sleep.

In the morning, we all had to line up. Pierre from WMMR came out with coffee and donuts and his little dog, Lucy, too. We ended up with 8th row, center seats and alot of fun memories.

The pic is of me, my chic, and my very good friend, Maria, or Ree, as I like to call her! If it was not for her, I would have not went and had such a memorable adventure! Thanks, Ree. Love ya, girl

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